1. "The Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Punjab Sports University, Patiala,” is the first specialized Sports University in the State of Punjab established vide Government of Punjab Act No 11 of 2019 on 29 August 2019. The Act mandates” to establish and incorporate a Sports University in the state of Punjab, a specialized University, to promote sports education in the areas of sports sciences, sports technology, sports management and sports coaching besides functioning as a State Training Centre for select sports disciplines by adopting best international practices and for being the sole University empowered to affiliate and regulate any Sports or Physical Education Institutions in the State of Punjab and matter connected therewith or incidental thereto.”
2. Lieutenant General (Dr.) Jagbir Singh Cheema, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retired) was appointed as the founder Vice-Chancellor. Mrs. Surabhi Malik, IAS, Chief Administrator Patiala Development Authority, and Shri Surinder Pal Singh Grover, Deputy Controller, Excise and Taxation Commissioner Office were appointed the first Registrar and Finance Officer respectively. Professor Gursewak Singh Government College of Physical Education, Patiala was made a Constituent College of the University. Mrs. Harpal Kaur is the Principal of Constituent College.

Lt Gen (Dr.) J.S. Cheema PVSM, AVSM, VSM, Ph.D (Retd.)
Vice Chancellor
Mrs. Surabhi Malik, IAS
Mr. Surinderpal Grover
Finance Officer
Mrs. Harpal Kaur
PrincipalProf. Gursewak Singh Govt. College of Physical Education, Patiala

Professor Gursewak Singh Govt. College of Physical Education, Patiala
3. The MBSPSU received official recognition from the University Grants Commission (UGC) on 9 September 2019 and became functional on 16 September 2019. The following two courses commenced for the academic year 2019-2020 from the premises of Professor Gursewak Singh Government College of Physical Education Patiala – its constituent College:-
1) Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports(BPES): 24 Students took admission.
2) Post-Graduation Diploma in Yoga. : 18 Students took admission.
4. The hostel facilities of Govt. College of Education, Patiala are being utilized for the students. The University has made necessary coordination with the College management for the availability of adequate seats for subsequent years.

Opening Ceremony of the University on 16 Sept. 2019

Mohindra Kothi Annexe Complex
5. The offices of the MBSPSU commenced functioning from the renovated Mohindra Kothi Annexe Patiala near Fountain Chowk with effect from 17 October 2019. The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), too, had commenced its journey from the Mohindra Kothi in 2006. The MBSPSU will conduct the courses for the next academic session 2020-2021 and subsequent years from the premises of both Professor Gursewak Singh Government College of Physical Education and Mohindra Kothi Annexe Complex.